Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New to blogging...

Wow...I can't believe I'm blogging! You have to know me to understand why this is a BIG deal. I've been on Facebook for who knows how long and I've probably only updated my status 4 times. I'm introverted so "socializing" is not how I recharge my battery. But, here I am...sitting in my office/ guest bedroom, freezing cold (because all of a sudden the weather in NC turned cold and I'm too stubborn to turn the heat back on), blogging. Who am I and where did Takeya go?!?!

Well, I'm trying to start a new where I take better care of myself (and my daughter), try to reduce my carbon footprint, and do things I've never done before. First, I started cooking more (or at least eating out less). Now I'm researching ways to better take care of my hair and body. A decision born out of necessity because it just doesn't seem like my daughter's hair is healthy and my sensitive skin (eczema stricken) needs better management. Part of that process is finding all natural products and environmentally-conscious packaging. Lastly, I'm trying something new.

So follow me as I embark on this journey and, hopefully, better myself and those around me in the process. 1 post down....more to follow!